

Impact of mobility solutions on your business.

As the world is going mobile so why not you! Application development is an enticing approach to streamline your ideas on the mobile functional platform. When we talk about the market transition in the year 2012 to 2016 in the smartphone uses then the graph exhibits no significant changes. Let’s have a glimpse over the different mobile operating systems.

Android- The most commonly used platform i.e. Android had 61.0% share in 2012 while the predictions are diminished to 52.9% in 2016.

Windows Phone- Windows phone had the 5.2% share in 2012 year but the predictions in share market will rise to 19.2% in 2016.

iOS- Apple’s iOS had gained the 20.5% market share in the past year of 2012 but a little bit decrement has been predicted in the coming 2016 i.e. 19.0%.

Blackberry OS– No remarkable transitions has been exhibited from the 2012 to 2016 as the percentage distribution in the market share are 6.0% to 5.9% respectively.

When we overall estimate the market share then there has been no significant move means the entire 100% of the different mobile OS predicted same for the 2016 year.

These are some predictions according to the IDC (International Data Corporation) report for the year of 2012 to 2016.

If you have ever wanted to create an app for the perspectives such as business growth, product/services, and blogs then here are tremendous platforms which helps you to develop the great idea at lower costs. Yes, you heard it right! With small investment sand no hassle of indefinite time; you can manage the mobile apps and develop the mobile site or application with the help of best mobile app service provider.

If you have the zest of building an elegant and full functional smartphone application then it remains fruitful for you to ensemble your requirement in front of the company which is well established and counted among the pioneer of app development. Here are the certain reasons why mobile apps are becoming essential to broadcast your business-

Transform your business– As everybody having the smartphons to accomplish their basic needs, so it really becomes essential to widespread the mobile evolution in your business acquisition. With the power of mobile applications, you can broadcast your business and enhance the productivity measure which is an effective step towards success.

Integrate your data assets– Business apps integration allows your business to gain the tremendous benefits like it augment the business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), and business to enterprise (B2E) processes. It will boost up your business performance which in turn increases your revenues.

Provide seamless customer experience- With the help of tailored made solution according to your business requirement; you can win the trust and satisfaction of your client base. It accumulates data from multiple data sources and different parts of your company such as inventory, marketing and customer side into a single interface which offers an enticing customer experience.

Boost up the business tasks- Mobile app solution streamlines inter-company work flow processes and communication part i.e. checkpoints etc. It also helps to augment the employee agility, efficiency and flexibility in performing several business tasks and communication. Your business will definitely reach to the apex level success.

If you want to become the part of latest technology then selecting a right company always put the excellence in your business. Mobile apps are becoming quite popular because of the rapid growth in smartphone segment. More and more people want to explore the world with their captivating smart devices. Be the part of next generation and reach to the optimum level in your business excellence.